Charitable Donation Badge added to Miamism
I have been a member of a local charitable organization called The Miami Shores Heidi Hewes Chapter of the Woman’s Cancer Association of The University of Miami, (I know it’s long, let’s call it Heidi Hewes Chapter for short). I can’t say enough about the organization and about all the people that are involved. This year alone we raised over $90,000 which went directly to Cancer research and other cancer causes.
The chapter recently picked me to be co-president together with Tammy Austin who, in my opinion, is The Resource Queen. We have monthly meetings (alternated amongst member’s homes), where we discuss events and activities including:
- Walk for Cancer (sponsored by Miami Country Day School)
- Holiday Walk (tour of local homes)
- Lemonade Kids’ event
- Bunko Parties
- Bargain Box (our own thrift/donations store)
- Hospital visits
- Unity Day booth
Thanks to my Tampa colleague, Jackie Colson Miller’s great idea, I have now added a Charity Badge like this one to Miamism, which can be found on the left column. By clicking “DONATE“, you will be able to donate directly to our organization. Please remember to include “Heidi Hewes Chapter” under designation when you are donating.
To quote Jackie, “Please consider a generous gift. You can make it “in honor of someone”, or “in thanks for” something. It is a wonderful way to make a tribute and make a difference! The online donation is easy and you will receive a receipt for your records”.
It’s easy to get involved and your help will go to a great cause. If you have any question about Heidi Hewes, please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave me a comment on this blog post. THANKS FOR YOUR DONATIONS!