
Do you need a Miami Real Estate Agent?

Seth Godin does it again asking “Where have all the agents gone“?  – In this world of intermediation and educated consumers it is an excellent question to ask.

If the middleman brings no value to a transaction, then there is no need for him. With regards to Miami Real Estate we deal with many types of consumers – the consumer that believes that buying  real estate is only about finding the property and making an offer (obviously that consumer has little use for a Realtor) – and the consumer that finds an agent that brings so much more and represents their best interest without a doubt.

There’s also the real estate seller that believes they can do it on their own by putting a couple of ads on-line and a sign in front of their house (again….that seller does not need an “intermediator”)….although a lot of these “do-it-themselfers” come to us for help after they give it a try, or realize they are leaving money on the table.

But a lot of people, because of Internet Marketing and this age of Social Media, believe that some of us do bring value to a transaction and do think it is worth paying a commission and trusting the sale and purchase of their Miami real estate to knowledgeable Realtors who will take care of every aspect of the transaction and will go above and beyond the call of duty.

Think about how anonymous the typical real estate broker is. He will sell almost any house or represent almost any buyer. When selling a house, he has a fiduciary responsibility to represent that house to the best of his ability. Just like every other broker. The great real estate brokers do far more than this.

We do not criticize those that don’t need our services and want to do it on their own – on the contrary, we give them credit for their willingness to take risk – but we give our undivided attention to those that trust us with their investments and value our services. Love this quote by seth:

When markets change, agents can lead the way, not follow along grudgingly.

So ask yourself the next time you buy or sell Miami Real Estate – will my Realtor add value to a transaction?

**originally written and posted on March 17th, 2009**

5 thoughts on “Do you need a Miami Real Estate Agent?

  1. Great question to ask: “Will my Realtor add value to a transaction?” There are many times I’ve dealt with people who call me to tell me everything they think, with not one care of how I might help them. And I think, “why are you calling me if you already seem to know exactly how you want to go about doing this?”

  2. San Diego – it’s not about content, it’s about value and service and going the extra mile.

    Andrew – I think it’s up to us to be able to assess whether or not the value we bring will be worth something to any particular customer. It’s also up to us to choose to work with certain consumers or not. Rick and I on many occasions have told people that we are not the right fit for them – it’s a 2 way street.

  3. those people from the “chats” check comments too….I’m sure he’ll hold you up to the beer 🙂

  4. awesome stuff.remember the old Mike ferry Line… You can Choose not to work with me and I can choose not to work with you. I turn down clients that are not a good fit all the time.

  5. I do Linden…and although powerful….I’m so glad scripts are no longer cool. Much rather get truthful, emotional, transparent responses 😉

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