
Plaza 98 – Miami Shores Village

I am so excited to introduce to you an amazing project that’s currently in the works in Miami Shores.  Exciting for so many reasons, but mostly because it is a collaboration of different organizations with a common goal:  to create a community gathering place in downtown Miami Shores.

What is Plaza 98?

Plaza 98 will be a pedestrian-friendly plaza, including a new asphalt mural, to be used for periodic programming and activities for Miami Shores village residents of all ages.  

It will be located on 98th Street on the West side of NE 2nd Avenue, between the Miami Theater Center and Miami Shores Auto Repair.

The space will be used for community events, future programming and will create a new destination for gathering in Downtown Miami Shores.

Plaza 98 funding

The organizations funding these projects are:

  • Miami REALTORS through Team Better Block – Miami REALTORS give back initiative, working with a team of urban planning experts who unlock the interest and creativity of the public with a process that designs for community, connection, and commerce from the ground up.
  • Miami-Dade Transportation Quick-Build Challenge – a county program that provides funding and technical assistance fro the implementation of short-term, low-cost transit access, bicycle and pedestrian projects.
  • Miami Shores Community Alliance (MSCA) – an umbrella organization which creates a forum for non-profit organizations, educational and religious institutions, community leaders, and individuals, that promotes and enables effective communications, fundraising opportunities, and shared resources to provide for and help ensure a quality experience for all those living, working or visiting the Shores.

Plaza 98 – a community gathering space

Let me expand on this “community gathering space” and where the concept came from. Some of you may be familiar with the downtown district analysis prepared by the urban planning firm of RMA.  The urban analysis comprised architectural design, streetcape and parking with set guidelines for our downtown area.

Some of you may also know that the sewer project in downtown Miami Shores was approved and under way.  This is a 20+ year old initiative!! Talk about great news!

You grab that incredible momentum and some concepts from various organizations that include Barry University students, the Downtown Miami Shores Advisory Committee, The Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce and that’s when Plaza 98 is born and comes a reality – Plaza 98, a living street.

Plaza 98 volunteers needed

October 28 Volunteer build out day on 98th Street – come out and build furniture and planters. (thanks to all the volunteers that came out)

November 9, 10, 11th, come out to paint the pineapple asphalt mural – the world’s largest paint by number and what will soon be Miami Shores’s coolest landmark. 

To sign up, please visit

Plaza 98 credits

We need to give credit where credit is due, because we have some really amazing, committed and passionate individuals making this whole project happen:

  • The Pineapple design:  Did you know that Miami Shores was originally a Pineapple Plantation (amongst other things) – hence the amazing pineapple asphalt painting. Plaza 98 brings a nostalgic element to Downtown Miami Shores that keeps our history alive.  Designed by none other than our local architect/professional rendering extraordinaire, Joe Clark from RD + A studio.
  • The team behind The Street Plans Collaborative, a Miami-Dade Transportation consultant for The Quick Build Challenge that has helped with logistics and details.
  • The team behing Better Block, working directly with Miami Realtors, NAR (National Association of Realtors) and The Downtown Advisory Committee, who took the time to walk our downtown, study and analyze our concept and help us with the end result.
  • The Plaza98 Team from The Miami Shores Downtown Advisory Committee.  This is a passionate group of volunteers from our community, facilitated by The Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce.  We’re talking endless hours, weekends and evenings.

Plaza 98 Official Launch Date

Join us at Plaza 98 on November 11th from 5 pm-9 pm for food offered by local Miami Shores restaurants, fun presented by local Miami Shores kids’ establishments and live music and entertainment performed by the one and only local Miami Shores band and hosts of The Early Late Night Show, The Hoy Polloy.

The Plaza 98 Launch Party will kick off a series of five community events running once a month from November to March, each as new and exciting as the next.

The activation of downtown Miami Shores and this live street concept will involve local businesses, organizations, schools, groups and residents.  It’s a win-win for everyone involved, with no ulterior motives other than help Downtown Miami Shores thrive, unite our unique passions and strengthen our community, as one.

Stay tuned for what Plaza 98 Launch Party will entail on November 11th – save the date!