A book to get – The Digital Handshake
I don’t usually do book reviews here on Miamism, but this time it’s different – although we write for the real estate consumer, we also know that many of you look to us as a resource of sorts – and so…..we are endorsing a book that will unequivocally help your business, whether you are looking into starting your social media marketing journey or if you are already partaking in the fun.
If you follow me at all anywhere on the Interwebs, you have heard me mention The Digital Handshake – book by Paul Chaney that’s available for pre-order and about to come out any day now. Some people have asked me how I can endorse a book without even reading it and the answer is simple: Paul Chaney has personally helped my business and has opened my eyes to the power of social media. It first started with his book Realty Blogging (which he co-authored with Richard Natch), and then was my coach and mentor during the Inman News sponsored “Project Blogger” on Active Rain.
When I think of the best rounded Social Media persona out there, I think of Paul – I don’t need to boost his ego because he always puts that aside and knows how to engage and be genuine, but most importantly, is always willing to help. If there is such a thing as a Social Media expert, guru, authority, master or pro, (I know paul will kill me for that), that person is definitely Paul.
Enough Ego boosters – I also got a sneak peak at the book (wink wink)
Here’s the scoop – The Digital Handshake will help you no matter what level you are in within your social media marketing strategy. Some parts will be extremely basic (nothing wrong with revisiting those every so often) and you will find useful nuggets throughout the book – excerpts that will make you think and go the extra step that you didn’t consider before. The information in the book is not just Paul’s point of view, what I find fascinating is how many successful users of social media were interviewed in all sorts of industries. The Digital Handshake is filled with great examples and tips for improving your use of tools and ultimately helping your business.
Here’s one of my fave excerpts in the book:
Although it does comes with a set of largely unwritten rules (sorry, I don’t know of any stone tablets having been brought down from Mt. Sinai), social media is not a religion, no matter how hard guys like me try to make it one. There is room for experimentation. In fact, experimentation is the only way the medium will grow
Make sure you read the book with a high-lighter because you will go back to it and use it as a resource. And yes, come back and thank me, it will be money well spent.
**disclosure – for those of you who always have to question endorsements – I have absolutely nothing to gain from this review except the joy of knowing that others can benefit the way I have from just knowing Paul – Miamism’s inception has Paul Chaney to thank**
2 thoughts on “A book to get – The Digital Handshake”
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I will certainly appreciate having the digital handshake in my bookshelf, social media is truly the bomb, and without the right knowledge on how to use it for marketing purposes it can end up being a waste of time
For the record….anything can be a waste of time without strategy and goals 🙂