Miami is the 4th Healthiest City according to Livability.com
By now you have learned to know that I love when Miami makes it to TOP LISTS, especially when those lists are as positive as this one. We sell Miami and knowing we are on a positive light, makes us happy. Livability.com says that there are 2 ways to look at a great healthy city,
The first and obvious way is to look for cities with the best health care in terms of access, quality and affordability. The second is to dive a little deeper into how the city promotes and enables a healthy lifestyle for its residents. For our Top 10 Healthiest Cities, we looked at both sides of the equation.
10. Yonkers, NY
9. Fort Collins, CO
8. Honolulu, HI
7. Santa Ana, CA
6. Alrlington, VA
5. Bridgeport, CT
3. Madison, WI
2. Cambridge, MA
1. Minneapolis, MN
Livability.com mentions that the connection between beauty and health is best seen in Miami (yeah baby…that means we look good!). Because Miami is considered one of the most attractive cities in the country, we take eating right and exercise seriously!
Miami-Dade County ranks No. 1 among Florida counties when it comes to healthy lifestyle choices. The majority of residents get in some kind of daily exercise at least three times a week, which has helped keep the city’s obesity rate under 23 percent. While Miami’s spicy nightlife scene is celebrated and draws thousands of tourists, the majority of residents resist the urge to drink excessively or smoke. Besides, dancing counts as exercise. White sand beaches beckon sun lovers to come out and play in the surf, while Miami’s many parks and recreation centers provide more opportunities to get in a workout. Add the lures of deep-sea fishing, tennis and golf, and it’s hard not to get moving.
The nearby Everglades National Park features hiking and biking trails, and offers great views of this unique habitat for crocodiles and panthers, while the 30-mile M-Path and South Dade Trail form a nearly continuous path from downtown Miami to Florida City. There’s also opportunities close-by to canoe and kayak.
Although the Miami has a high number of uninsured, it’s doctor-to-resident ratio is high, and most residents get annual health screenings. Hospitals and doctors offices in Miami hold high rankings in the health-care world. With dozens of vegetarian and vegan restaurants along with juice bars and smoothie shops, finding a healthy treat is easy in Miami. An assortment of farmers markets and co-ops supply residents with organic and/or locally grown fruits and vegetables. Good air quality (compared with the rest of the state) and clean drinking water help make Miami a healthy place to live.
I was pleasantly surprised at the quality content provided by Livability, go check them out. We thank our South Haven, Michigan colleague, Ryan Servatius, for the blog fodder – Thanks Ryan!
6 thoughts on “Miami is the 4th Healthiest City according to Livability.com”
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Miami is the 4th Healthiest City according to http://t.co/D9yYxx9YZu http://t.co/iuqMc6XOKl
@livability so glad #Miami made 4th healthiest city!! http://t.co/iuqMc6GdSN
RT @ines: @livability so glad #Miami made 4th healthiest city!! http://t.co/iuqMc6GdSN
Miami is the 4th Healthiest City according to http://t.co/FuA0s5u2Yd Miamism http://t.co/i7PdaYhpcH
Miami is the 4th Healthiest City according to http://t.co/JhmGqDGHui Miamism http://t.co/3Ohbtad5NY
Miami is the 4th Healthiest City according to http://t.co/xzMlhZ6sl2 http://t.co/pnV1vC0K6H