Level Up: The Real Story from REALTORS – Innovation
Level Up, The Real Story from REALTORS is a new series of videos by The National Association of REALTORS Magazine that elevate the conversation around issues relevant to Realtors and what they do. The series showcases the best agents in the industry and how they are putting real estate programs into practice and making an impact in their communities and businesses.
I was honored to be asked to participate in the innovation series with esteemed colleagues Marki Lemons-Ryhal and Tommy Choi to discuss innovation in today’s real estate market.
Level Up: Innovation
In the August edition of Level Up: The Real Story from REALTORS® we’re discussing innovation in real estate with Marki Lemons-Ryhal, real estate keynote speaker and host of Drive with NAR. She is joined by tech-forward innovators Tommy Choi, co-founder of Weinberg Choi Residential Co., and Ines Hegedus-Garcia, Chairman of the Board, Miami REALTORS®, and Executive VP of Avanti Way Realty. Please watch as they dig into innovation in an ever-changing world, how you can leverage AI and AR in your business, and their favorite tips and tools to keep you on the cutting edge.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO or visit https://www.nar.realtor/magazine/level-up/level-up-innovation