Miami Blog Resource
Time to give credit where credit is due – No one in the Miami Blogosphere does a better job of sifting through blog after blog and picking out snippets and gems than Rick at The South Florida Daily Blog aka SFDB. Not only does he provide great content, but he does this several times a day!! It just blows my mind how he can do this but I will admit that I get a smile on my face every time I see Miamism or MiamismPix appear there.
Here’s the concept behind SFDB:
The South Florida Daily Blog sifts through and reviews most of the blogs based in South Florida and highlights those posts that stand out from the rest of the day’s traffic.
So Rick…. THANK YOU….we appreciate your hard work and your sense of humor. Now go subscribe to SFDB or add them to your RSS Feed and make it a daily read, it will help you stay in “the know”.
**Random Disclosures: just in case you were wondering, this is not a paid advertisement – Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health….The consumption of Alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not….wearing a superman costume does not enable you to fly**
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Is it a Mojito Review Friday? Me thinks, yes!