Miami Drivers Beware
The Miami-Dade Police Department has a new campaign and are starting to give tickets for blocking intersections. I’m sure you have seen “Don’t Block The Box” on the back of Metro buses and wondered what it was all about.
Guess what? The fine for blocking an intersection is $133.50 and 3 points on your license – OUCH!!
This is what Miles Moss, Chairman of the Citizen’s Independent Transportation Trust, has to say about it,
“The legions of careless drivers who create gridlock by blocking intersections when they fail to make it through before the light changes. Don’t Block the Box is aimed at stopping this not only annoying, but dangerous behavior and keep traffic flowing freely through intersections. As part of the campaign, police are stepping up enforcement. Blockers beware: if ticketed you face a hefty $133.50 fine”.
Take a look at this video to get a better idea about the campaign, and read about it directly from the Keep Miami-Dade Movn site.
So DON’T BLOCK THE BOX……and don’t say we didn’t warn you!