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Miami Luxury Real Estate

The Luxury Real Estate Market in Miami can be very complex and simple at the same time.  Complex because of the intricacies involved in dealing with the needs of Luxury Property Customers and simple because those same customers know exactly what they want and are ready to move at a moment’s notice.

My architecture background is a great help to our Miami Luxury real estate customers and Rick and I have a team of contractors and designers ready to help.  We work with award winning interior designers who are willing to visit properties prior to purchasing.  These same interior designers can offer staging services for properties that are for sale.

I find that offering architectural consulting services to our customers and working hand in hand with interior designers gives me a creative outlet that I really enjoy.  Also, if you are not local, we have been known to supervise construction jobs with regular progress reports and photos to make the process easier and relieve some of the stress associated with buying and remodeling.  This does not mean we would take over the job of your general contractor, it means you would have an additional set of experienced eyes on your side.

If you are wandering why I would go out of my way to offer these additional services, the answer is easy….because I really enjoy it!  As an architect I chose to go into real estate sales and the fact is that I offer additional value to any transaction.  Many Realtors have strengths and their added value is different.  Rick for example, with a master’s in accounting, can dissect financials and do projections in a heart beat.

With the Miami Beach Luxury Real Estate Market there are less budget limitations and experimenting with the latest finishes and state of the art technology is fun and exciting.  Because I’ve worked with known architects and designers in major projects, I know the ins and outs of construction and I am glad to share that expertise.