Miami Shores, FL – holiday happenings 2006
For anyone that lives in or around Miami Shores, you know that the holidays are filled with special events where the community gets together to share and enjoy. If you have never been to these events, we encourage you to join in. If you miss any, you can look forward to next year. We apologize if we missed any events and would be happy to include them once you contact us.
December 1 – Tree Lighting Extravaganza at the Miami Shores recreation fields at 6:30 PM. Join hundreds of residents watch as Mayor Al Davis lights up The Miami Shores Christmas Tree, representing holiday cheer! Special appearance by Santa Claus himself as well as the Miami Shores Fire Department with sirens and all!
December 7 – 22nd Annual “Yule Log” – 7:00 PM. Hosted by Miami Country Day School – the program serves as a time of reflection. There will be holiday music, lighting of the Christmas Tree, Menorah, Advent Wreath, Hanukkah blessing and the Passing of the Light.
December 10 – 15th Annual “Home for the Holidays” Tour sponsored by The Heidi Hewes Chapter of the Woman’s Cancer Association of the University of Miami. 5:00 to 8:00 PM – $25 donation. Five beautiful homes will be opened to approximately 500 guests. Raffles will also be sold at the walk.
December 12 – Holiday Caroling Hayride and Light up the Village -Purchase luminary bags from the Community Center and light up your lawn. Hayride carolers will visit your home between 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Stop by the Community Center by Dec. 8 to sign-up for Hayride Caroling. Sign-up early, space is limited (bring a flashlight, music books provided)

KID CAMPS: **Winter Break Camp will be offered at the Field House between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM** week 1: Dec 26, 27, 28, 29. Week 2: Jan 2, 3, 4, 5. **Kids Day off also at the Field House on December 22 and January 15. **