Miamism Best Bar/Hangout – The Broken Shaker
Miamism Best Bar / Hangout
It’s a dear friend’s birthday and she suggests going to a place she heard about, where they serve “hand-crafted cocktails” – we all laugh and make a big joke out of it. “Hand-crafted” as opposed to what exactly? “Oh! we must try these hand crafted cocktails!” We show up at The Broken Shaker and the place is packed!! There are no tables, there are long lines at the bar and right when we’re giving up and about to walk out, Rick pops his head into one of the bars and asks with a loud and sarcastic tone, “Where can I get a hand-crafted cocktail?” A super cool dude, who we later find out is one of the owners of the establishment, goes out of his way to explain the place, get us drinks, hooks us up with a table and server and even throws in free cocktails for the birthday girl. Thanks Gabe for going out of your way and treating perfect strangers with excellent customer service! And so The Broken Shaker makes it to the Miamism Best List. The place is down to earth, not at all fancy, with cool exterior, garden-like space, and very eclectic crowd – definitely not your typical snooty South Beach bar. We do recommend that you make reservations if you want a table. ADDED BONUS: food is delish!! Here’s a video about Broken Shaker’s concept – so you can understand the whole “hand-crafted” thing. Bar Lab is behind the creation:
A great passion for the art of the crafted cocktail and its potential to transform experiences brought Elad Zvi and Gabriel Orta together in 2009 to form Bar Lab. Now an internationally recognized management company, Bar Lab specializes in precision management, market branding and the creation of innovative beverage programs.
The Broken Shaker 2727 Indian Creek Drive (inside the Indian Creek Hotel) Miami Beach, FL 33140 305-531-2727 thefreehand.com
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Miamism Best Bar/Hangout – The Broken Shaker http://t.co/uQ4tPDHoQN
@barlabcocktails Thank you 4 the VIP treatment last weekend! #brokenshaker was featured! http://t.co/U0mKXWp2fO @freehandmiami