
Miamism Column in The Sunpost

Great News for our Miamism followers, I will have a weekly column at the Sunpost featuring my favorite MiamismPix of the week!  The column is called “Miami through my iphone” and will have one photo with a short Twitter-like excerpt describing the capture.  Here’s the first issue:

(For those that have not discovered our photo-blog – click on the upper left corner where you see the camera and it will take you to MiamismPix:  Photos on the spot, from my iPhone, directly to you – sometimes it’s about Miami Beach real estate but most of the time it is not)

The column reads:

Pre Mojito Icon Brickell

This photo was taken from the sunroof of my car when arriving at The Viceroy Hotel with the intention of doing a mojito review from their Eos restaurant on the 15th floor.  Needless to say the day was gorgeous, the panoramic views from the restaurant amazing, the service and food great and the mojito received a perfect 5.