Miamism Fridays – M is for Miami
Here we have the Riverwalk Metromover Station designed by Roberto Behar and Rosario Marquardt and photographed by My Little Photo Album (who we have featured here a few times before). Although Behar happened to be one of my least favorite professors while studying architecture at the University of Miami, I really like this project. We need more timeless examples of Art in Public Spaces in Miami – this is a great piece that catches your eye, represents scale and volume of context and stands the test of time.
Landmark? you may or may not think so, but you will surely remember it (and may even go out of your way to look for it if you’ve never seen it).
Thanks My Little Photo Album, for enlightening us, once again, with your photographs!
….another Miamism !!
** Here at Miamism we love to post your Miami Photos. If you have a shot you want to share please join the Miamism Group at Flickr.com – or you can e-mail the photos directly to us at info@miamism.com *