Miamism Link Love

- 55th Street Station: Center for Urban Living – Xavier from Boom or Bust: Miami, always knows how to give local content a great perspective. This one is about one of my favorite hangouts located in Miami’s Upper East Side.
- A Cuban Portrait…San Lazaro – We have a lot of Cuban friends, after all this is Miami, but Roy Llera gives us a perspective of Cuba never seen before. Check out A Glimpse of Cuba: Imaginate! and you will not be disappointed.
- Riding a bike through Miami – Alesh from Critical Miami found this incredible article written by Mike Lydon about biking from non other than South Beach to his Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co. Little Havana office. The photos are great and if you don’t know Miami, this is a great way to see it from another perspective.
- E85 Pump To Open Thurs. Sept. 13 – Fill ‘Er Up Cheap From 7-9am – we finally have ETHANOL in Miami and of course the news was posted at Greener Miami. My mother-in-law bought a mini-van this week that is Ethanol ready…..now THAT makes me proud!
- Like Nowhere Else In The World – There’s nothing I like less than roaches, Rick from Stuck On The Palmetto, gave us a cruel recap of what can happen when you leave 2 pre-teens unattended. (The Palmetto reference is purely coincidental).
- Healthy Families program information – HUGS for Kids – there are tons of fundraisers out there, but you need to check out Shave Your Head For Charity. Nick the appraiser is raising money for this wonderful cause and everyone reading should send in at least $5. It’s a very LOCAL cause that we can be proud of. I sent in my money without thinking twice.