The New YOU in Social Media

I was talking to a dear friend this weekend that I’ve lost touch with and owns a catering company.  While catching up I explained how social media has provided a creative out for me that was missing in my life since I made the decision to stop practicing architecture.  He, like me,  is an extrovert, a people person, someone that enjoys engaging others and as his business has grown, he misses the “engagement factor” of more intimate gatherings.

While I explained the power of social media he stood there with such interest and focus and was so intrigued by the whole notion of being able to engage people you don’t know at a personal level.  Before he parted he said something to me that keeps resonating in the back of my mind – a lot of us take this for granted but is one of the single most powerful concepts behind social media.

“What I find interesting about the concept of social media is that you can engage people and have no pre-conceived notions or pre-judgement of them”

I go back to all the friends I have made in social media, whether through blogging, facebook, twitter, etc……..I have learned to like these people for what they are, never worried about what they have done, or what precedes them ……beyond powerful (and scary at the same time).

So the reality of Social Media is that you can become what you want with the help of a computer screen to shield you.  Don’t jump down my throat now and tell me I’m crazy.  What I’m saying here is that as you develop a marketing strategy and include social media as one of those tools, realize that you have the power to mold perception (without lying to yourself please) – you will never be a 6? Adonis in your 5?-1? chubby frame, but you could easily have the self-esteem of a God.

Far fetched?……maybe…..but that’s why Agent Genius is so much fun

WARNING:  if you are a Jerk in real life….. no Social Media in this world will mask that

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