St. Rose of Lima Carnival 2008 – Miami Shores
If you are looking for real estate in and around The Saint Rose of Lima Carnival, you are in the right place. We’re talking Miami Shores homes, Biscayne Park homes or El Portal homes. We are, in fact, the official St. Rose Carnival REALTORS!!
For the Featured Miami Shores Carnival Home for Sale – please click HERE
Otherwise, please contact St. Rose of Lima Parish directly, for Carnival information:
425 NE 105th St, Miami, FL 33138
(305) 751-4257
It’s time for the St. Rose of Lima Carnival again! It’s happening right now in Miami Shores (Friday, January 25th to Sunday 27th). I have been bombarded with calls asking why I haven’t blogged about it, so here it is. I shot a video yesterday and took some photos and hope you can join us in the fun.
The St. Rose of Lima Carnival is not just a church or school event (although proceeds do go to St. Rose of Lima School and Church). The whole community gets involved and you will see people from all over come over for good food, fun rides and great company.
These year’s carnival rides include: The Ring of Fire, Orbiter, The yo-yo, The Thunderbolt, The drop-zone, Gee Wiz, and of course a lot of the usual kiddie rides. The Filipino Food Booth gets bigger and bigger every year and the food is delish! There’s also a wine booth and a beer booth, tons of carnival food, cotton candy, elephant ears……..you get the picture.
St. Rose of Lima Carnival is located at 425 NE 105th Street in Miami Shores.
Go have some fun and let me know about it! Here are more action photos of the carnival. (just click on view more images to see them)