Thanksgiving Day
Did you know that Thanksgiving Day is only celebrated in the United States? Of course we know the history of the pilgrims and indians and harvest….. what matters is that now we use this day to get family and friends together to give thanks.
A lot of us question the fact that we need a day to give thanks, shouldn’t we be doing this every day? But the fact is, that we lead busy lives and even if we try, sometimes little things pass us by. Having a holiday dedicated to the concept of being grateful is nothing short of fabulous.
On that note, we want to thank you, our readers, for filling our lives. Yes, from all of you that comment, that e-mail us, that participate, or simply read in silence without letting us know. You make our lives special and we wish you a very happy THANKSGIVING DAY!!
**I was just corrected by a reader via e-mail that Canadians also celebrate Thanksgiving – go figure!! THAT’s why I love this place, feel free to prove me wrong any time and if anyone from Canada is reading…please tell us how how celebrate Thanksgiving**