
The Vagabond Embraces Positive Change for Miami

I just finished reading the Biscayne Boulevard Times’ article on The Vagabond Hotel in Miami’s Upper East Side and all kinds of thoughts started racing through my head.  Can you tell me why in a world of negativity, we can’t get ourselves out of the hole and want to bring everyone around us down with us?

Between the recession, down Miami real estate market, gas prices, the war…….can’t we see a little color and start appreciating those people with a vision, the dreamers, the ones with positive attitudes and give them a pat on the back?

The Power of Intention is one of my all time favorite books (and concepts) because it tells you that you attract what you are. 

So here’s my take: For all of you that think Silverman is a bit out there with his ideologies and his vision for bringing back the 50’s splendor of The Vagabond when Sinatra used to visit – how about dropping the skepticism just one tad and opening yourselves to the possibility.

We will always be surrounded by negative people, but it is so refreshing to find romantics and idealists, non-conformists that are always reaching beyond the normal frame of potential and have a vision for change and progress.  Look around you and find those people, they exist, they are our friends and it wouldn’t hurt to open yourselves to the possibilities. 

They are the ones that make a change in our world, that improve our cities and lives… can choose to be one or to at least listen. (note:  I will add the Vagabond article link as soon as it is updated on the BBT’s website The link to the article was updated – here it is again:  Big Man On The Boulevard )