
Bitterness Sucks

miami new times miamism Bitterness Sucks

Life can be so cynical – right after I wrote 10 Don’ts of Social Media I went through an extremely uncomfortable yet gratifying experience and came to the realization that putting ourselves out there in this medium is everything but easy (maybe I already knew that but stick with me).

My mojito reviews got a great mention by the Miami New Times with the following quote: is a lifestyle real estate company dedicated to using media innovations to promote its services

Talk about awesome!!  Everything I’ve worked for being recognized in one simple sentence.  I was so psyched about the link but it all turned ugly very quickly.  Some not so nice people, playing the cowardly anonymity card started talking crap – they called me a drunk, that I couldn’t get work as an architect…and other not so pleasant things.


So how could this spectacle be at all gratifying?  easy….I posted this on twitter:

picture 69 Bitterness Sucks

It did not take long for me to get a smile back on my face – My Tweeps started turning the conversation around on that article, they were angrier than me!  That’s when you realize that we do have great friends here, people that have our back and are willing to stand up for you.  Clients even showed up to comment on that post, and true friends were willing to stick up for me and I didn’t even ask – now tell me there is no power in Social Media.  Here’s some link love for those that helped (words are not enough to express my gratitude).

@ElaineHanson – @CreativeAgentVA@realestatezebraKen De Loreto – @CWaterhouse – @roder – @FresYes – @RailLife@ViceQueenMaria@PhxREGuy @Sandro – Laurie Manny

The brutal truth then sticks its ugly face out – when you become public and open up in this medium, you will  be vulnerable and have to be ready for ugly attacks. Sad to think that there are people out there that have nothing better to do than be bitter and obnoxious – but they are out there.

Others have been victim of attacks and although I will not go into detail, take a look at the way Jay Thomson handled a hate comment on his post – An email to “Windows 7 Tips” – Winner of ‘Most Asinine Comment Ever’,

And here’s a great article that I read over and over whenever someone leaves a negative comment about me:  How to Deal with Negative Comments On Your Blog

Hopefully you will not have to experience this ever – but if you do…..take a deep breath and disconnect from the attacker or troll and realize that retaliation will only empower them….and when all else fails, go to Twitter for help

**original article on **

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