

As good business people we have to assess our marketing strategies on a regular basis. I have already told you about our shift from print ads to Internet Marketing and that’s why we’re here. (This doesn’t mean we have completely stopped print advertising, it means we have found that our marketing dollars are better spent on-line).

In this web2.0 world, we also have to constantly assess our marketing accomplishments on-line. Which venues are producing money and have success and which ones take a lot of time with little to no ROI. It’s not easy to evaluate since a lot of our on-line time may not have tangible results, but it’s important to look back and be able to objectively make a decision of what to place more effort on and what to drop.

This weekend marked a major Milestone for Miamism, we had our 1 year bloggiversary (thanks Jay for the term). To think that I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years, and finally created our blog a year ago is unbelievable. We also received an e-mail from a reader that was perfect to mark our achievement and although I shared at Miamism, I hope you don’t mind that I am sharing here as well:

Dear friends, my name is Luis Falcon, one day and what seems like an eternity ago, I visited Miami on what was to be a weeks vacation, upon stepping off the bus (La Cubana from Jersey) I looked up at the blue skies and heard/saw parrots flying by, at that moment I realized, I would be in Miami for a while… I stayed 14 years. I worked for City of Miami Beach, News Café, Handy Van in Dade County, Miami Children’s Hospital and Club Nu (back in the day.) Me quise llenar como un baso llenándose de jugo en un día caliente! I could not get enough of that place

I currently work in NY and spend my days dreaming of coming HOME, I happened to stumble upon your website today as I was looking for real estate info and was so impressed I had to write you. I recently got married and have plans of moving next year. Reading your blog and comments today, have made me feel like I’ve know you since childhood.

NOW with every cent my wife and I save for our first home, moving forward I will anticipate the day when I contact you both and say, “Hey guys, you think you can find us a home please?”

Great website and talk too you soon.

Luis Falcon

Talk about our blogging goals defined with one single communication from Luis!! This past year, I have learned so much and wanted to share what has worked for us, in order to possibly reduce that learning curve for those thinking of starting now.

  • focus on your passion – you don’t have to be an incredible writer as long as you write what you are pasionate about. People will be attracted to your knowledge.
  • Show your personality – whether you are goofy or have a dry sense of humor, drop the formalities and put the inner you in writing (this is no easy task) – and if you are boring…..good luck there!
  • The hyper-local information has been a hit in our market, but make sure you do keep a balance between real estate related topics and local information.
  • Be consistent – you don’t have to write every day, but don’t go a week without writing. We post 3-5 times per week at Miamism and one of those days happens to be a goofy/fun day.
  • Read other blogs, comment, get involved in social networks (the wealth of information is priceless)
  • Identify your audience and write directly to them. The consumer will not always respond in comment form but they will contact you.
  • Make sure you have a call to action feature – whether it is a lead capture system, free reports….etc.
  • The more you write about a specific subject, the more business you will have in that arena – I.e. if you want to work foreclosures, write about them. If you don’t want to do foreclosures……don’t even mention them.
  • Have fun with it! Be creative, don’t be afraid to experiment.
  • Be patient – if you follow those guidelines, the business will come.

I’m sure others here have something to add to the list but I want to take this time to thank you guys for making this past year such a pleasure. I can honestly say that I feel like I’m part of something HUGE, a big achievement that only the “lucky ones” have chosen to be a part of, even though it was an open invitation to all. Give yourselves a pat on the back for being innovators and open your eyes to the next great thing…..I think it’s around the corner and I’m ready to embrace it.

** original article on **

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