Florida Bugs 101 – the real scoop
Bringing back a fun one from 2008. Being objective and always having a sense of humor is key when you are moving. If all else fails, give the Miamism Sales Team a call….we will make it all better.
A lot of people relocating to Miami ask us about “Bugs” – well, there are plenty of bugs in Florida and as much as I hate to admit it, you do get used to them (I know, I know pretty lame for someone who absolutely hates roaches).
Here are 14 things you should know about Florida Bugs:
1. Another name for mosquitoes is B-52’s
2. Cockroaches can get so big that you can catch a ride on them
3. A favorite Florida pastime is to see who can snort the most no-se-ums without chocking
4. According to Chris Griffith, the unofficial Florida State Bird is The Mosquito
5. Best selling fragrances in the stores are known as “Cutter Bug Spray” and “DEET”
6. Citronella candles are a common household item
7. Grasshoppers are so big they look like lobsters
8. If a perfect stranger smacks you in the face for no particular reason, just nod and thank them
9. If you see people doing a strange dance on a sandy beach, don’t join them – it’s probably sand fleas
10. There are 3 seasons in Florida – rainy season, hurricane season and love bug season
11. Love Bugs can get so intense that there are windshield washing stations along the Florida Turnpike for the splattering nuisances
12. Dragon Flies are so fast that they can chase you down the expressway
13. You are not a Floridian if you have never gotten hit in the face by a flying Palmetto Bug
14. Florida Ticks don’t just suck blood, they are known to drink Mojitos
For those of you relocating to Miami, please realize that this article, although true, is for entertainment purposes – some of the descriptions given may be slight exaggerations.
**graphic courtesy of my older son who knows I despise cockroaches**
originally published May/2008