It takes a Village to Save a Child – Miami Shores

On October 24th, from 7:00 to  9:00 PM, there will be a Special Forum  at The Miami Shores Community Center.


It takes a Village to Save a Child

sponsored by:

  • The Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce
  • in cooperation with Miami Shores Recreation Department

Guest speakers:

  • Miami Shores Police Department
  • Jerome H. Poliacoff, Ph.D (Child and Adult Psychology)
  • Special Agent Mark Trouville, DEA

Discussion topics will include:

  • High-Octane Pot – It’s not your Daddy’s marijuana
  • Internet Pharmacies – no prescription necessary
  • Pharming Parties – the latest in teen entertainment
  • Prevention – starts before your children are born – learn how to talk to young children about drugs
  • Drug use on the rise – how can we stop it!

The Miami Shores Community Center is located at 9617 Park Drive in Miami Shores – Refreshments will be served and child care will be available.

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