
Miami Shores sends a piece of home overseas to US Troops

Some of you may have read my post on Girl Scout Cookies for our Military which I wrote back in March. I wanted to come back and post the awesome pictures I received yesterday.

I don’t want to reiterate what I said in that post but it was about sending Girl Scout Cookies to our soldiers stationed in Iraq.   Go back and check out the photos on that post, the expression of pride in those kids’ faces is priceless.

Major Buzzard and Company finally received their loot of cookies.  Here’s 2 pictures they shared with us.

US Soldiers in Iraqsoldiers in Iraq

I have to tell you that this touched a corner of my heart I did not even know existed.  The look on the faces of these brave men while getting “a piece of home” from perfect strangers is indescribable.  I have to add that I am so honored to be part of this gift for our troops and so proud of these men and women who on a daily basis, make our world a better and safer place.

Thank you to this Miami Shores Real Estate Family for including us in this mission and Thank you to our troops for all you do for us.

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