Miami Shores Village News – August 2011
More Miami Shores News from Miami Shores City Council member, Jesse Walters. I don’t know about you, but I really appreciate Jesse’s willingness to share and keep us abreast of what’s going on in our “village beautiful”.
Hello friends!
It is time for my two month update on activities related to Miami Shores Village Council. I appreciate your continued interest.
* On July 5 I introduced a resolution authorizing Village Manager Tom Benton to offer benefits to village employees with domestic partners. It passed unanimously.
*At that same meeting I moved that we rescind the prohibition on having movie theatres in our downtown. This was referred to the Planning and Zoning Committee which considered the matter and will vote a recommendation back to council next month. Please keep your fingers crossed! There was a huge crowd at these two meetings in support of what will effectively allow the good folks at the Playground Theatre to show art house movies on weeknights and kids and family fare on weekend nights.
*Mayor Jim McCoy has asked village manager Tom Benton to research the cost of installation of sewers for our downtown, a major move undoubtedly, but one I heartily endorse. The initial costs look like $5.2 million plus installation. It is very early in this process but I am hopeful.
*And lastly, in case you haven’t heard, I was hired in July as the new Executive Director of the Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce. My campaign pledge to see if we could hire a “downtown czar” may be answered- although I won’t be on the village payroll of course!
If you are interested in serving on a board or commission please let me know. We will be filling many vacancies next month. Thanks for your continued support of me and our village and I hope you and yours have been having a great summer.
Jesse Walters, Member