Miami is the Third Best Foodie City in America
According to Wallethub, Portland is the best foodie city in America, followed by New York and then Miami.
In order to determine the best and cheapest local foodie scenes, WalletHub compared 182 cities — including the 150 most populated U.S. cities, plus at least two of the most populated cities in each state — across two key dimensions, “Affordability” and “Diversity, Accessibility & Quality.”
There are other top lists in this fun study and Miami makes it to a few:
- #3 in Most Restaurants per Capita
- #1 in Most Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt Shops per Capita
- #2 in Most Gourmet Specialty-Food Stores per Capita
Who doesn’t love these top lists? Keep them coming, Miami!!
**photo above was taken at United Way’s amazing fundraiser, “Young Leaders BYOB” event (Build Your Own Brunch): featuring from left to right: Yours Truly (miamism), Shanut Anaut and Wesley Ulloa from Luxe Realty, and Andres Pumariega from Newmeyer Mortgage.