
Miamism F2F with Sketchy Miami’s creators

If you have not visited, leave this page right now and go take a look, go on….I’ll wait. 😉

The creators are Jordan Melnick and Robby Campbell, who also run the sister site, which happens to be the go-to-blog for everything about Miami Culture and Arts.  Instead of trying to explain what the Sketchy Miami project is all about, we decided to interview Jordan and Robby and hear it directly from them.

So the whole point is that the relationship of artist/portraitist and regular people/subjects is not easy to attain.  This is because we may not have easy access to artists, may not know where to start or may simply be afraid to begin the process.  The Sketchy Miami project not only is exposing us to local artists, but it’s expanding that artist-subject relationship using new media where face to face interaction may no longer be necessary.  The thought of our on-line world being a facilitator to a growing and evolving artist relationship is beyond fascinating and very exciting.  In my opinion, Jordan and Robby have opened the door to a new world of cultural exposure with something as easy as a portrait, that immortalizes a human kind.  KUDOS to Beached Miami for thinking outside the box!

Sketchy Miami Party #2

There’s a Sketchy Party this coming Friday, August 12th, 2011 from 7:00-11:00 PM


Bakehouse Art Complex
561 NW 32nd Street
Miami, FL
Facebook Event Page

*thanks to Panther Coffee in Wynwood for letting us do the interview there!**


Not only did I submit my photo for a sketchy, but I did a sketchy of “Sex and TheBeach” Maria de Los Angeles (@vicequeenmaria)

Original Photo of Maria de Los Angeles

Maria de Los Angeles Sketchy by Ines