
Miamism Fridays

In honor of yesterday’s Blog Action Day that was about Climate Change and our responsibility with our environment, I wanted today’s Miamism Fridays to be GREEN – not only in the obvious, but representing Miami’s green space.

This photo was taken in one of my favorite parks in Miami, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and as soon as i saw it, knew it was an original Chihuly.  Talk about an amazing capture by Alex de Carvalho, social media strategist, University of Miami professor, connector, mover, shaker, and friend.

….another Miamism !!

(Don’t miss Alex’s Flickr Photostream and you can always find him on twitter @alexdc)

** Here at Miamism we love to post your Miami Photos. If you have a shot you want to share please join the Miamism Group at – or you can e-mail the photos directly to us at *

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