orange bown 1

Miamism Fridays

This Miamism does not make me very happy, but I thought it was important to document it. Last week we were on 836 going west, just passing Jackson Memorial Hospital when my kids say, ˜Oh wow, look at the Orange Bowl. I have to tell you that my reaction was so unexpected. As soon as I saw The Orange Bowl partially demolished, I started to cry.

Of course Rick and the boys started laughing at me, ˜I cant believe you are crying for the Orange Bowl ¦ may have been an unexpected reaction, but I am sure I have not been the only one.

….another MIAMISM!! (it will be one that will be in my heart¦.as silly as that may seem).

Now look at what others around town are saying:

  • Imagine Miami

**send us your pictures of Miamisms and we will post them on Miamism Fridays with a little link love! **

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