tanya beach

Miamism Fridays

Beautiful Miami Beach scene with warm sand and turquoise waters in the middle of winter….WAIT!! Do we really have winter in Miami? This awesome shot was taken by Tanya Diaz from www.MLXPix.com as a special gift to our Northern friends (that’s our cruel humor at work).

… another MIAMISM!!

** Here at Miamism we love to post your Miami Photos. If you have a shot you want to share please join the Miamism Group at Flickr.com – or you can e-mail the photos directly to us at info@miamism.com **

7 thoughts on “Miamism Fridays

  1. The little girl is going to get some decorations on her mojito eating under those sea crows:) You can delete this if you want, I won’t be offended, just wanted to make you smile. Steve

  2. awww they were nice birdies…she seemed a bit overwhelmed though…i dont think she liked all the extra attention.

    and thanks ines for the shout out again…i miss ya!!!!

    ps add me on linkedin dammit!

  3. Nonsense Steve! (will not delete) – I had never heard seagulls called “sea crows” – funny.

    Hi Tanya – this photo ROCKS!! (but so do all your pics) – I did add you funny woman! I’ll double check.

    Wow Moni – that just cracks me up!! I love seagulls

  4. Sorry Ines, They are not popular up here. Sky Rat is an excellent name for what they are. They swoop down and scoop up food, car keys and what not. Plus they are dirty and poop all over everything. LOL…sorry 🙂

  5. I can see where they can be annoying….especially when someone starts feeding them near you and thousands come out of nowhere! 🙂

  6. I watched as one took off with a set of car keys.. we watched as it flew to the top of a appartment building. Never found the set of keys. LOL it was funny in a weird way.

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