Miamism Fridays

Everyone knows we love mojitos…..but nothing like waking up in the morning to a message from a friend showing how they went out of their way to make you feel great….and on New Year’s Day!! So here’s Irina Netchaev from Pasadena, California showing us her version of the mojito. Talk about bringing Miami to the west coast!

….another MIAMISM!!

We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce Miamism Mojito 411 – the idea is to provide a interactive Mojito Resource with reviews from all over the country and world. So if you have recently had a mojito, tell us about it and we’ll include it – whether it’s the good, the bad or the ugly – it’s a work in progress….so we also accept feedback.

** Here at Miamism we love to post your Miami Photos. If you have a shot you want to share please join the Miamism Group at – or you can e-mail the photos directly to us at *

9 thoughts on “Miamism Fridays

  1. Ines, it was sooo much fun making Mojitos! A word of warning though… they go down really smooth and are very potent! I really had fun, especially after my 2nd one. 🙂

    Happy New Year!!!

  2. Irina, it was such a great New Year’s gift to get your video….thanks for doing it and glad you enjoyed! (It was a lot of fun)

  3. Patti, I had to go back to check out Irina’s Coffee Machine! LOL – Is that for Russian Coffee Irina? 🙂

  4. Looks like I’m a few months late in responding to the Russian coffee machine question. Let’s just say that I can’t live without it. The best investment that I made. Can’t drink coffee anywhere else. 🙂

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