
Miamism Fridays

This Miami Beach photo makes me take a deep breath and be thankful for living here – talk about the perfect South Beach perspective!  You have Smith & Wollensky representing great food, the mouth of Government Cut giving us a taste of our beautiful ocean and views, a snippet of Fisher Island Real Estate representing exclusivity, and a departing cruise ship symbolizing a city detached.  You can thank Tanya Diaz from MLXPix for the capture – and don’t miss her abandoned images (truly amazing)

…. another MIAMISM !!

** Here at Miamism we love to post your Miami Photos. If you have a shot you want to share please join the Miamism Group at Flickr.com – or you can e-mail the photos directly to us at info@miamism.com **

7 thoughts on “Miamism Fridays

  1. Jason – that’s exactly what is so amazing about this shot – the whole scale issue with the cruise ship – nice catch 🙂

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