
Miamism Fridays – #gocanes

Nevin Shapiro’s allegations about The Miami Hurricanes are beyond scandalous!  Will we have a football team this season? And so we wait for investigations to continue and thank Kristian Golding for this capture from back in 2007.

….another Miamism !!

Here’s a video from Fox Sports,

Miami head coach Al Golden talks about his team’s focus during the NCAA’s investigation.

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2 thoughts on “Miamism Fridays – #gocanes

  1. I’m so fascinated by the whole Nevin Shapiro scandal, I’ve been listening to the sports talk radio guys chat about it all week. If even half of what he alleges is true it’s pretty damaging.

  2. Deidre,
    Agreed, it’s damaging no matter the outcome and cane fans (moi including) are GASPING!

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