
Miamism Fridays – Keep Miami Beach Clean

I have a huge beef with people who litter. I have zero tolerance for ignorance associated with littering and my brain can’t wrap around the concept of someone not caring about our environment. With that said, we frequent the Haulover Sandbar during the summer which is only accessible via boat. A lot of people that visit the sandbar are kayakers who rent their kayaks at Oleta River State Park. I spend hours cleaning up garbage left behind by kayak renters from the park. My family and I, on a regular basis, fill our boat with garbage left there. My kids even pick up floating debris and take it back to the perpetrators to try to teach them a lesson. This past weekend, this sight made me so happy that I had to share. It was so pleasant to see these guys filling up boxes with garbage and loading their kayak to take back their garbage to land. Gives me hope that many people do care. I only wish Oleta would educate people before they take out kayaks. Let’s follow this example and pick up after ourselves. no litter haulover via If you’re interested in learning about littering campaigns in Miami, take a look at these links:

I’m a true believer that we can each make a difference.  Please don’t litter and let’s teach our kids the same. For more Haulover Sandbar Photos – visit our Flickr Page  

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