
Miamism Fridays – Lambo Miami

When you drive by Lamborghini Miami, you HAVE to slow down … the cars on display are RI-DI-CULOUS!  I especially like when they line them up rainbow style…like this capture by Eric Demarcq from Paris.  The orange Lambo has Miamism’s name all over it!

….another Miamism !!

** originally published nov/2010

4 thoughts on “Miamism Fridays – Lambo Miami

  1. My oh my, Lambos!!! You don’t see very many high-end sportscars here in Maui, in part due to the fact that we don’t have any real highways (so nowhere to REALLY break them loose).

  2. hey Alex – we see A LOT of them here in Miami (love them!) 🙂

    Alexandre – don’t know if Eric is a professional photographer, I can tell you he has some mean car photos on Flickr though

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