Miamism Fridays – Miami Shores
I was glancing over photos of Miami Shores on Flickr and came upon this amazing shot taken in one of my all time fave places – The Miami Shores Boardwalk. When I looked at the author, it was none other than Alex de Carvalho! (@alexdc on twitter) – (who also happens to be one of my fave people)…what are the chances? The beauty of this board walk to me is its organic nature and you never know what to expect – from the intensity of the wind, the texture of the water, the color of the sky, the motion of the coconut palm leaves, the shape of the clouds …
….another Miamism !!
** Here at Miamism we love to post your Miami Photos. If you have a shot you want to share please join the Miamism Group at Flickr.com – or you can e-mail the photos directly to us at info@miamism.com *
And since we are talking about Miami Shores – let me remind you that tomorrow is the first Village Walk at Village Place. A few business owners got together and organized this community event in collaboration with the Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce. Don’t Miss it!
WHEN: Saturday, May 29th, 2010
TIME: 4:00 to 8:00 PM (also an Organic and Antique market between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM)
PLACE: Downtown Miami Shores – aka Village Place on NE 2nd Avenue