Miamism Fridays – Mojito Madness Bloopers
Here’s a great Throwback from 10 years ago!!
We interrupt our regularly planned Miamism Fridays to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Miamism Mojito Madness!! That’s right! For all of you that thought the mojito idea as a social object was crazy, cheers to you!!! We have local restaurants now invite us to do these, they welcome us with open arms, they use the reviews in their own sites, they help us promote Miamism and guess what? It’s also fun!
The idea, for the ones that are still skeptical, is that it’s the beginning of good conversation, it’s an ice breaker and you get to know us and our personality, we get to promote our awesome city and guess what? It’s also fun!
Thank you – Thank you – Thank you! Thanks for your support and for “getting us” and keep sending those mojito reviews.
Until our next mojito …. CHEERS!
6 thoughts on “Miamism Fridays – Mojito Madness Bloopers”
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OMG how much fun is that! I loved it. Happy mojitoversary!
So I’m sitting in a bar (imagine that) in Quebec City, Canada a couple of weeks ago. Their menu has Mojito on it, with the description in French. Immediately visions of Ines & Rick pop in my head.
You guys own “Mojito”. Congrats on the one year anniversary!
Dayngr – thank you!!! (it’s a tough job!)
Jay – in a bar? you? LOL …that’s just too cool and exactly what I want to hear, thanks!!
Oh man, I don’t know how I missed this one. That was hysterical! I loved it. You guys are a hoot. I want to go on a Mojito review with you two. LOL
Thanks Jen!! 🙂 I should totally compile another one of these….we have plenty of footage
LOL…Yes, I think that’s great idea. You should definitely do another one. 😉