
Miamism Fridays – Wynwood Graffiti Photowalk

If you have not seen the amazing talent displayed all over Wynwood, you are missing quite a treat.  Wynwood artists have redefined graffiti to an amazing art form.  This is no longer about “illicit writing, drawings or scribbles on walls of public places”, it is legitimate art that will blow your mind.  Pieces commissioned by brilliant artists that have transformed an otherwise ugly part of our city into something to be proud of.

Wynwood has a monthly event on the second Saturday of every month called “The Wynwood Second Saturday Artwalk”, or you can join more intimate events like photowalks organized on a regular basis.  This photo was taken by web designer Chiyin Ng at a Wynwood Miami Creative Commons Photowalk this past week, organized by Angel Leon.  Thank you for sharing this amazing side of our city!

….another Miamism !!

** Share your MIAMISMS and we will feature them!! send them to us via email (info@miamism.com), Facebook, Twitter (@ines), or post them on Flickr in the Miamism Group **

NOTE: this and other miamism photos are copyrighted© – contact owner for permission

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