Miamism Fridays – Yo Amo 305
“YO AMO 305” has become a Miami staple much like “I love NY” and it all started with the Wynwood Street Art craze. I was happy to see the explanation by our friends at The305.com,
The infamous mural is one of the most popular places to take photos of yourself or of it whenever you’re in Wynwood or whenever you’re at the monthly second-Saturday Art Walk. The piece first made its appearance on March 21st, 2011 on the front of the well known Product/81 gallery, which is run by Alex Fernandez-Casais and Bibi LouLou. What initially started off just a simple form of branding for the gallery, quickly turned into a local phenomena. Everyone from art enthusiasts, locals, and tourist of all ages pay homage to the mural. The hashtag #YoAmo305 was soon added at the bottom of the mural in order for Instagramers and Twitter heads alike to share their photos of the Wynwood landmark.
….another Miamism !!
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Miamism Fridays – Yo Amo 305 http://t.co/QPFDpVVk9t