
The Mother I aspire to be

Blogging is supposed to show what we are, and although I am not a mushy person, I do want to send a short tribute to someone I adore and admire.  I agree this has nothing to do with  my Miami Real estate Blog, but because real estate is about relationships, I thought a lor of my readers would like to know a little about me and how I feel about my mom and our relationship.pilar.jpg

Mother’s Day is a day that I cherish from the bottom of my heart for many reasons.  One of the people I most admire in this world is my own mother, she is my idol and I look up to her with such admiration.  My mom is the type of woman that moves mountains, that goes out of her way to help anyone in need.

Pilar has taught me respect, she has taught me pride, she has taught me humility (although I’m still working on that one), and she has taught me to give.   She has not one single bit of selfishness in her – she always puts herself last.

The day my husband gave me the gift of also becoming a mother, I promised to try to be just like mine.  I am now a mother of three, of three incredible and very different individuals who I hope I can influence the same way my mom has influenced me.  I hope they learn to be themselves, I hope they learn to express themselves without fear and I hope they know I am so proud of them.

So on this day, I want to wish a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all moms ……may our children look up to us the same way I look up to my mom.

and a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY especially to my mom – I am very lucky to have someone like her always by my side – THANKS MOM! (and if we want to get technical….I must thank my dad also).   : )

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