Real Estate Doers Make a Difference
God I love people that are always thinking of ways to help others!. Drew Meyers happens to be one of those people – I was lucky enough to meet him years ago through our social media marketing efforts and he has never let me down. Drew contacted Lori Bee and me yesterday with the idea of setting up a fundraiser from the real estate industry to a great cause – and REAL ESTATE DOERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE was born! The whole concept is about acts of kindness and putting together a big effort that would encompass the entire real estate community. So this holiday season let’s do our part and give back to those in real need. Here’s what we need from you – straight from Drew:
$20 donation to Habitat for Humanity.
That’s it. It won’t break your pocketbook, but the collective efforts of the real estate community can do a world of good for some families that really need it. Why Habitat for Humanity? Given Habitat for Humanity’s focus on housing for those in need, it makes sense as an initial organization for the real estate community to support. I believe a number of RE Bar Camps have supported their work over the years. In addition, Ines, Lori, and I have all spent time volunteering for the organization and can vouch for its impact. Next year, we’ll plan ahead and get feedback from a broader group regarding which organization the real estate community wishes to support. The Goal Of course is the first year the Real Estate Doers Make a Difference initiative has existed. We’re aiming to raise $2,500. If each of you donate $20, we need 125 people to contribute. No one will be charged a penny until the goal of $2,500 is met (that’s the wa works), so we all have a vested interest in reaching our goal or Habitat for Humanity gets absolutely nothing. If we get 500 contributors and blow away the $2,500 goal? That would be utterly amazing. We have until January 2nd to make it happen.
What can you do?
- Make a $20 (or more if you wish) donation
- Share the campaign
- Start a local fundraiser
- …and have a great Christmas!
Let’s prove to the world that the real estate community is unselfish and giving. And we challenge big real estate companies and leaders to make more significant donations. Some of these companies continue to step up to set great examples for our community, and we look forward to recognizing them. And in the words of Francis of Assisi:
For it is in giving that we receive
7 thoughts on “Real Estate Doers Make a Difference”
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Hello! I want to contribute but I am not on Facebook…How can I help otherwise?
Amanda, You can sign up to crowdtilt with an email address (don’t need facebook). Let me know if you have any issues.
Thank you for the support, Ines.
The feeling is mutual, I feel fortunate to have met you years ago…you’re one of the great eggs in this industry. 10 years from now, my goal is to still never have let you down 🙂
Good work. The Toronto Real Estate Board did two builds last year and donated two house for Habitat in Toronto. It was a great experience…they knew enough to give me a shovel rather than a hammer, as well. LOL!
Thank you so much for your support Richard. Rick and I have both volunteered at job sites for Habitat on a few occasions….I, on the other hand, love a hammer 😉
Thank you for passing this along! I have done work on Habitat Houses and really believe in their work.
Thanks for your contribution Rich!!