Social Media Spouse Support Group
Yes you heard right – there’s a new support group for social media spouses. You know you you are – the anti-digital kind that just don’t get it. You cringe at the site of an iPhone or crackberry, you try to set rules and boundaries for computer time – you want your spouse back and feel you are second place to the social media phenomenon.
Here’s your chance to get together with like minded individuals who understand you. Meetings will occur at obscure locations with no Internet access, no cell phone signal, and no means of communication.
We will announce monthly meetings the old fashioned way – check bulletin boards at your grocery stores. There is power in numbers and we refuse for this digital society to take over our lives! We were doing just fine without technology – thank you very much!
call 1-800- SMsucks today to get a copy of your local schedule mailed to you (on real paper! the letter-in-envelope old fashion snail mail way)
Topics that will be discussed:
- setting strict schedules for your loved ones to stay off digital devices
- setting strict rules about when to answer cell phones no matter how critical those may be
- eye contact exercises to help bring them back into society
- social exercises to reincorporate real, live, local friends into your lives
- understanding that computer friends are NOT real – getting ready for psychiatric intervention
- understanding that tweet ups and bar camps with computer personalities represent temporary bouts of insanity
- Google is not God – how to bring back paper books and encyclopedias
- twitter is evil
- ”touch” is more than just for the keyboard
- how to communicate in short, concise sentences of 140 characters or less
**we are also open to suggestions for our curriculum, feel free to write us (type-written letters will be filed in the garbage bin) **
“Social Media Spouses…..KEEPING IT REAL”
**original article on **