Throwback Thursday – Drop the F Word #TBT
I don’t know about you, but I hate status quo. Being “average” is not acceptable in my book and everyone that surrounds me often hear me say “mediocrity is not an option“. Some consider this trait of mine to be a bit rash – oh well.
So how can this attitude of mine help you? I was re-reading Seth Godin’s “Tribes” last night (actually, one part that I find impacting) and a bulb lit up in my head. The section deals with FEAR – the ever known “F” word that holds us back and prevents us from being AMAZING! Seth goes on to say:
“We choose not to be remarkable because we’re worried about criticism…..we’re worried, deep down, that someone will hate it and call us on it?”
The reason a lot of us like New Media is because it’s fairly new – because we are making rules as we go and because there are no boundaries! The fear of making a mistake is not that huge because we are trying things as we go so a lot of us take chances and don’t get boggled down by the fear of not doing it right.
Many people ask me how I come up with ideas and if I mind if they copy some of the things I am doing. I have to admit that I am always flattered that someone wants to imitate me, but that would only get them started…..they would have to grab those ideas, turn them around, add some spice and some BAM! and then make them their own.
Here’s a challenge for you with regards to new media – ask yourself – what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of technology? afraid of what you look like on video? concerned with what people will say about your accent or the way you talk? of not doing things right? of being criticized?
Look at @garyvee – he’s not the most charming guy in the planet and is not great looking either (sorry Gary, still love you). But he has taken wine to a totally new level that he probably would not have imagined in a million years! One quote by Gary resonates in my head:
“The only way to guarantee victory is to be awesome”
So go ahead and expose those fears and zero in on them – go beyond your comfort level and reach for Awesomeness – and any time you have doubts, just tell yourself “mediocrity is not an option”.