
Walk in their Shoes

In order to understand real estate sellers today, it’s important to walk in their shoes to get their perspective of the process. I know most of the people reading real estate blogs will already go above and beyond their call of duty and will offer superior service, but understanding the little things is what will make you a better Realtor.

We finish transaction after transaction and become more efficient about dealing with problems and coordinating all parties involved, but do we really understand the emotional aspect of selling real estate? I’m a believer that real estate agents should sell their own home every so often to remember what our clients go through on a daily basis.

Selling a house can be emotionally draining, we have our own house on the market right now and have 3 kids, pets and full-time jobs. These are the things we are reminded on a daily basis:

  • how it feels to live in a house that is perfectly decluttered, depersonalized and staged (the environment can feel quite sterile)
  • wake up everyday and make sure everything is picked up and all beds are made (all 4 of them).
  • with kids, “perfectly picked up” could be borderline maddening so we have to be ready to pick up at any moment’s notice
  • how it feels to have an appointment canceled at the very last minute after you run around like a chicken without a head to have the house in “perfect showing condition”
  • putting your life on hold for appointments
  • vacating pets and children for showings
  • being able to constantly digest feedback objectively
  • having everything in perfect working condition at all times – no burnt bulbs, no dripping faucets, clean house.
  • No laundry baskets
  • delay cooking to avoid food smell
  • delay going to the bathroom (yes this one is a bit graphic, but true)

All this might sound trivial, specially since we repeat it to our clients constantly, but when you have to do it day after day after day, it can take a toll on you. Be sensitive to your client’s space – remember that selling a house represents invasion of someone’s privacy, of their shelter, of their personal space. Being in tune with our clients’ emotions will mean the world to them and will make a difference.

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