who moved my chees by chatGPT

Who moved my cheese?

I am sure that as Genius Buddies, you have been asked to talk about blogging at local offices. Only 4% of real estate agents are blogging!! I find that absolutely bizarre and at the same time awesome…..more for us.

mouse trap cropped
mouse trap cropped

Now, without sounding conceited or cocky (there is not a single ounce of that in my body…..although I have absolutely no lack of self-esteem), we have something here that a lot of others don’t. Some of us have not been blogging long but are taking full advantage of it for as long as it lasts and as my fellow genius Teresa Boardman said “There are marketing techniques that were never even dreamt of in the 80’s and I do my best to exploit them.”

So what am I getting at here? We use blogging to show what value we bring to the table, by blogging and sharing with each other we have become blogging experts. Our industry is looking to us to help them out and teach them to blog. Here’s the kicker…….if most agents are not even taking the time to read blogs, why would they even start blogging?

When I was asked 6 months ago to give a blogging class in the same market area I was honored but at the same time thought “what’s in it for me?”. Just last week I was asked by another broker to give a blogging class in my direct competing market.

……I’ll repeat that sentence to make a point…….

I was asked by another broker to give a blogging class in my direct competing market.

So I was supposed to jump for joy and share all my blood and tears with those same agents that stab me in the back share my farm area (not all are bad by the way…..just a couple). I politely declined.

Then I had a conversation with dear blogging friends and we discussed how we now have an added value to our services. This added value is that we blog, we are doing it and successfully. We COULD give it away (heck we do it at AG all day long), or we can actually get paid for it. Hmmmmm…..now that’s a concept.

So the purpose of this drawn out post was to make you think. Next time your local board, or another broker asks you to share your thoughts on blogging……will you say No, yes or how much?

***BONUS – whoever counts the correct number of times the word “blog, blogging or blogger” was written in the above post will get that delicious piece of Swiss Cheese***

** original article on AgentGenius.com **