csi miami

You HAVE to check out these Miami Blogs

In the spirit of the holidays, I wanted to share with you a piece of the Miami Blogosphere so you can feel our Miami Energy – diversity is king here, so enjoy!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to our readers!

  • Michelle Bernstein Threatens Michael Schwartz Empire! …..now THIS one got my attention – Danny Brody has a great sense of humor (and expect a visit from us to Sra. Martinez with photos and reviews….since we already know we Love Michael’s)

  • The Story of 2008: The Economy ….by gimleteye – As per Eye on Miami’s description…..Revealing analysis of national trends and local news you won’t find
    in Miami’s mainstream media. Dedicated to ethical government, saving
    tax dollars and a healthy environment. We aim to break the chokehold of
    Miami’s developers and lobbyists on local government and the public
    commons. We offer our forum to that end. (this is a true Miami Read)
  • The South Florida Daily Blog – this is a MUST read for everyone wanting to know anything about Miami – Rick skims through Miami Blogs several times a day and gives us a summary of what’s going on
  • Meredith Miami- has managed to make me pee my pants at times, she gives us the Hot single-mom in Miami scoop and LOVES attention (right Meredith?)
  • Miami Fever – what an amazing photo blog – I often feature Carlos’ pics here in our Miamism Fridays’ series
  • South Beach USA – take a look at their New Year’s Eve Round Up.

4 thoughts on “You HAVE to check out these Miami Blogs

  1. Just dropped in to wish you Feliz Navidad and a happy and continued success in 2009.

  2. Who me? Attention?:) But of course. I tend to think YOUR blog is the best of Miami……

    Merry Xmas Ines!

  3. Are you kidding me Rick?? Yours in my absolute favorite Miami Blog – you can put it together and always give great information. Thank YOU!

    Thomas – thank you for dropping by and Best of wishes to you and yours!

    Meredith….what can I say other than “YOU ROCK!!!” – hope you have an incredible day!

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