smeared reputation by chatgpt

Is your on-line reputation being smeared?

rick and ines

For those of you that know me, you know that I’m as non-geek as they get. But fortunately for me, I am surrounded by very patient and smart people who take the time to teach me and help me out. Hopefully you are as lucky as me, if not, what are you doing to monitor your on-line reputation?

I recently received a Google-alert of someone linking our Trulia profile to a pornographic website. When you clicked on the link there were a series of redirects and funky links associated with spam, spyware and viruses and these ended up on a youtube porn video. When you Googled “Rick and Ines Miami Realtors” this site would appear 6th!!

Obviously, although concerned, I wasn’t too worried because my bodyguards quickly got to work. There have been instances of competitors sending nasty e-mails on the back-end of the blogosphere to spread rumors. Again, lucky for me, I have friends who watch my back and have never made much of it. Now porn? Do these people have anything better to do?

When I mentioned this in Twitter, the response was that Miami had some rough competition. As far as I’m concerned, I feel bad for those people that have to resort to EVIL means. I truly believe in the Law of Intention and know that this will come back to them. I wish them luck, send them good wishes and hope they can put that energy into something productive some day.


What are you doing to monitor your on-line reputation?

(feel free to leave the tools you are using on the comment section to help our colleagues that may be going through similar issues)

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