Miami Beach says “No More Mr. Clucky”
photo courtesy of Ipanemic – ipanemic.com
Is this for real? Mr. Clucky has become a legend, part of our Miami Culture!! We even featured Mr. Clucky in our Miamism Fridays because this beloved rooster is a true “MIAMISM”! According to a Yahoo News article,
The white bird who perches on his owner’s bike has become a favorite subject of tourist photos. But he’s been ordered out of town for his cacophonous crowing every day at 6 a.m.
We always tell our Miami Beach Real Estate clients about code enforcement and zoning laws, but there has to be a solution for Mr. Clucky – this is a sad day for Miami Beach.
*thank you Russ Perlowski for the heads up*
7 thoughts on “Miami Beach says “No More Mr. Clucky””
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Loud music, loud cars, loud motorcycles all OK. Nature doing what nature does, GET OUT OF TOWN. Go figure.
there is a noise ordinance in Miami Beach – I can just imagine being neighbor to the 6:00 AM croaking rooster – LOL!
Okay…everyone should get up and enjoy the beautiful day anyway…so 6:00am isn’t really all that bad. He’s just doing his part 😉
This issue puts me between a rock and a hard place.
On the one hand, I think Clucky is the coolest. On the other, I’ve lived behind someone who had a rooster. Unlike an alarm which you can hit a snooze button on, you can’t silence a rooster. A rooster crowing at 6 am when your infant son is sleeping is not cute or neighborly.
Ines, how would you pitch a home with a rooster for a neighbor?
Hi Suzy, I feel the same way – animal lover here but the eccentricity of owning a rooster has to come with certain ramifications (like abiding by noise ordinances). Although I am from Venezuela and we are used to croaking roosters at 5:00 AM (even in the busiest cities in third world countries), Mr. Clucky may find a better home in a more rural area.
I wonder if his vet could come up with something to shush him that would not be considered animal cruelty.
Ines, You need our ultra green mayor. Following through with his mandate, you can now keep chickens in the city of Vancouver. Seems uncanny that the local KFC closed around the same time as the proclamation. :>)
😀 Larry, you always know how to make me laugh – on the other hand…..we are talking about South Beach here, what’s a rooster compared to other eccentricities of the area?