
Real Estate = Life

3379213535 325b385b40 Real Estate = Life

This is as impromptu a post as it gets but HAD to share because I’m a bit emotional and need to get it out.  I came back from RETechSouth feeling great for many reasons. I need to tell you that I was very impressed with the attention to detail of the conference in general – speakers, transitions, giveaways, interaction with attendees, stage, promotion, quality…….it goes on and on – congrats to Brad Nix and Matt Fagioli for putting a quality event together.

In addition to the actual conference, I am always energized when I see my Internet buddies IRL (if I had the time I would go to every single event) – so if you were wondering whether or not these events are worth it….they are!!!  (if only for the real life interaction, do it!!)

But most importantly because I was able to come out of Atlanta knowing that what I do has a purpose and social media facilitates the way Rick and I do business and our conscious decision to surround ourselves with like-minded people with similar values is right on!

I wrote a Miamism post this morning about real estate = relationships = life and this paragraph sums it up:

It’s not about sales sales sales!  It’s not about what the media will say next – It’s so much more than “how is the Miami Real Estate Market doing?” – It’s about LIVES!  How trivial can that really be?  Everyone needs a place to live, whether it’s temporary or not….feeling at home is one of the most important factors in everyone’s life, whether you choose to get help to achieve that or not – HOME is such a powerful word and some of us really care about how people achieve that.

My articles autopost to Facebook and within 10 minutes of posting, I received this answer from a client (and now friend):

what you say here, the importance of home to you and Rick and your drive to help others find it, is exactly what came shining through when you helped Ken and I find our Miami home. WE knew it was never about the sale. It was something bigger. We can never repay you or thank you enough.
Its the same philosophy Ive always tried to bring to my architectural and interiors practice – help the client find their own stamp, guide them to make it better than they could have imagined, and make a home.

WOW!!  needless to say, that made my day, my week, my existence

Think of how you approach your business and how you impact people’s life – we, as Realtors, have the power to influence lives, don’t ever take that for granted.

**original article on AgentGenius.com **