News Type: For REALTORS

Blogging for Business Simplified

You have all heard me talking about John Paul and Deb Micek tons of times, they are the epitome of great business people that engage and “get it”. (follow them on twitter:  @JPmicek and @coachDeb).  They…

Fierce Competition

Competition Main Entry: com·pe·ti·tion Pronunciation: \?käm-p?-?ti-sh?n\ Function: noun Etymology: Late Latin competition-, competitio, from Latin competere Date: 1579 1: the act or process of competing : rivalry : as a: the effort of two or more…

Is BusinessWeek Bottom-Fishing for Articles?

Please read this BusinessWeek article… Where Bottom-Fishers are Fishing? The first time I read it I tried to make sense of it and didn’t make a big deal. Then I read it again and it managed…

3.5 Rules – Social Selling Etiquette?

  Before I start let me just say ….TWITTER ROCKS!! I love when people share articles in Twitter that they are reading, but no one shares better articles than my mentor Paul Chaney (yes Paul….one day…

Do You Want to Know Where I Am?

Buddy Beacon We’ve been hearing about tracking devices and GPS systems for your cell phone, but I am so glad to see these take off for very selfish reasons (can keep track of my kids and…

The Dynamics of Relationship Building

I’ve been toying with this post for a couple of weeks because in this Web2.0 world a lot of us tend to forget the dynamics of relationship building because of the lack of face-to-face contact in…

Miamism Closes in honor of Sheila Lublin

In honor of the Lublin family, we will not post our regular Miamism Fridays today. Bill has asked that we spend time with our own loved ones today and that’s exactly what we intend to do.…

Nice Guy or Sucker?

Just got back from Inman Connect and have all these great ideas to take our business to the next level, to engage our foreign business more aggressively and can’t find enough hours in the day to…

Another protected group?

Before red flags start going off like crazy, first let me tell you that I did get permission from the family I am about to talk about to tell you about their predicament. It’s a huge…

Change is Good

Announcing Change I would like to announce Miamism Team’s new home – Majestic Properties. It was time for a change, a change that would compliment not only our business and marketing style, but a change that…

Give Credit Where Credit is Due

A lot of real estate bloggers are being used as sources for real estate stories in big publications like The New York Times, Kiplinger, The Chicago Tribune, local newspapers, etc. But are we getting credit for…

Are you joining the conversation?

One of my favorite people and mentor (Paul Chaney) was being interviewed last week about Real Estate Blogging by non other than MarketingSherpa and dropped a line at Facebook asking some questions to a few blogging…


As good business people we have to assess our marketing strategies on a regular basis. I have already told you about our shift from print ads to Internet Marketing and that’s why we’re here. (This doesn’t…

Real Estate SALE

I have been bitting my tongue for the last couple of days with this Coldwell Banker 10 Day Sale Event that’s happening right now and can’t hold back any longer. Rick and I are Coldwell Banker…

Engage Your Readers

Most of us live where we live because we love it (although some do because of circumstance). Rick and I love Miami and celebrate it almost every day. It makes such a difference to love what…