
Miamism Halloween Fun

I was so happy to receive this submission from Biscayne Park customers Alison and Andrew Cripps! This really shows how much fun Halloween can really be, Thanks Alison and Andrew!! Keep sending those Halloween photos to…

Miamism Halloween Fun

I got such a great laugh from this Halloween Pumpkin.  For those of you that don’t know Bob, you should. He’s the author of Focus on Frederick and the one that sent us this great pumpkin…

Sub-zero service is questionable

Rick and I are the first ones to advertise top of the line appliances in our listings (from Miami Beach to Miami Shores), whether Sub-zero, Miele, Wolf, Bosch, Viking.  As an architect, top of the line…

Real Estate Reality Check

I was at a birthday party this weekend with my 2 year old and a couple of moms started asking me questions about the Miami real estate market.  I personally don’t mind answering questions, although it…

Miamism Halloween Fun

Is this little one adorable or what?  Thanks Melissa and Rich Kruse, from Gryphon USA for letting me share this great Halloween photo. ………EVIL RICH?.……nahhhh! Keep sending those Halloween photos to – we would love…

Buying a condo in Miami’s down market

With all the bad press about the saturated condo market in Miami you would figure sellers would be a bit more flexible, right? To think that the condo market inventory is said to tripple by mid…

Miamism Fridays

Any day of the year can feel like Halloween when you are in South Beach. ….another MIAMISM !! Do you have your own Miamism you would like to share? Send us your ideas at  You…

Racism in Fisher Island – who’s the victim?

Fisher island was currently found to be the wealthiest zip code in the country according to Forbes. Workers on the island have placed a complaint alleging racism and poor working conditions. Let’s be fair now, Fisher…

Miamism Halloween Fun

We received our first set of Halloween related photos today and I was totally blown away! Jennifer Wilson from The PREVA Report sent us these fabulous Pumpkin carvings…….and to think that for years I thought my…

Miamism Halloween Fun

Hi everyone!!  To keep in spirit with October celebrations and upcoming Halloween fun, Rick and I have decided to post Halloween related photos all this month. We are asking our readers to send us your Halloween…

Miami Shores Downtown construction has begun

The dreadful road work anticipated construction has begun on Northeast  2nd  avenue in Miami Shores. The signs and debris make it official.  The work is supposed to be completed in approximately 18 months. Read Miami Shores…

Miami Country Day Walk for Cancer Update

The goal for this year’s walk  was $50,000.  As of the preliminary tally, Miami Country Day School had raised over $112,000!!! Can we say wow!  I was helping The Heidi Hewes Woman’s Cancer Association with the…

Green designer finishes for your kitchen

For those of you that don’t know it, today is BLOG ACTION DAY! Bloggers around the world are writing about the environment, how we can help to make our world better, from materials to recycling to…

Miami Shores Inspection Comedy

A while back we had a funny building inspection in Miami Shores and wanted to re-tell the story, because it’s worth the laugh. This whole topic goes hand in hand with an article I just wrote…

Miamism Fridays

We take sites like this for granted.  We drive to Miami Beach on Mac Arthur Causeway and see the magestic cruise ships ligned up at The Port of Miami. ……another MIAMISM !! Do you have your…